
Showing posts from October, 2014


Fall is my favorite time of the year! The colors are so gorgeous, I just had to pick them up and record them in my sketchbook.
Roses my husband got for me for my birthday. I wanted to capture them before they faded away. They were yellow roses but I drew them in my moleskine with brown and tuscan red Co-lerase pencils. They have a pastel look when blended.
I thought I would try pencil in my moleskine sketchbook. I have tried different mediums and not the graphite pencil until now. And I am not sure where this theme came from but it falls in line with "collections" or repetition. I think "practice" is more accurate. The paper is not bad to work on with pencil but heavy blending roughs up the paper a bit, unlike working on Bristol board which can take a lot of abuse. It is what I normally use when working in graphite.