
Showing posts from 2014

Poppy for Peace!

Jane Lafazio has po st ed on her blog, Janeville  , picking a word f o r the year. My Word for 2015 is  PEACE.   My focus for the year will be on PEACE. Peace in my life and Peace for the world. There  is to much anger and violence in the world. I pray that all humans in the world will see the value in  a Peace filled life. All lives are precious and should be cherished. I wish Everyone PEACE in 2015 and beyond!

Happy Holidays!

I think the cat is enjoying her new bed she got for Christmas! Sketching Now Foundations class with Liz Steel, lesson # 7.


The day we spend with family, giving thanks for each other and our blessings. Also stuffing our faceswith food! I bet this guy is thankful for acorns! Thanksgiving blessings to everyone!


Fall is my favorite time of the year! The colors are so gorgeous, I just had to pick them up and record them in my sketchbook.
Roses my husband got for me for my birthday. I wanted to capture them before they faded away. They were yellow roses but I drew them in my moleskine with brown and tuscan red Co-lerase pencils. They have a pastel look when blended.
I thought I would try pencil in my moleskine sketchbook. I have tried different mediums and not the graphite pencil until now. And I am not sure where this theme came from but it falls in line with "collections" or repetition. I think "practice" is more accurate. The paper is not bad to work on with pencil but heavy blending roughs up the paper a bit, unlike working on Bristol board which can take a lot of abuse. It is what I normally use when working in graphite.


This drawing is of a "Collection" of things. In this case buttons. Andrea Joseph was the teacher for the 5th Klass/week of Semester 2 of Sketchbook Skool and she presented her style of drawing using ball point pens. So our homework for the week was to create a "collection" drawing using a ballpoint pen. This was quite a change from using a pencil which is my main choice for artwork, but it was a challenge and I still may try to create more sketchbook drawing using this medium. It is rather addictive to use and has a unique look to it.

Garlic and Kross hatching

Some more practice on Kross hatching!

Krosshatch and a Lemon

Practicing Krosshatching with a lemon. The scan didn't do the best job of displaying the colors. I will have to play with the settings to get a better image.
Continual Line Drawing, an exercise in drawing from Brenda Swanson from Sketchbook Skool. The third klass in the second semester "Seeing". She demonstrates the technique using a water soluable pen for which I do not have. My lines are solid. When she demonstrated adding the watercolor, some of the lines disolved which softened the drawing edges and blended the watercolors. It gave the sketch a loose feel. I will have to try the technique with the water soluble pen. For now here is my version with a waterproof pen and watercolor.

Toast anyone?

First assignment of 2nd semester Sketchbook Skool. A deep dive drawing of a piece of toast. I added watercolor.
Hello and welcome to my art blog. The second semester of Sketchbook Skool starts tomorrow and I had so much fun with the first klass called Beginings, I decided to start a blog to journal my progress and keep myself on track. so here is one of the sketches I did practicing the technique of "Krosshatch". Tommy Kane was the teacher of the last class of the semester and he did a extra video on Krosshatch technique to help us learn the technique. Not bad for my first attempt.